Monday, November 2, 2009

Blog #19

I think the most successful element of this video is the people in it. They're passionate, the draw emotion from the audience and it's all concentrated on them. Nothing fancy.
The message is to vote, it's simple, it's effective and you CAN make a difference, I know this because it's clearly stated in the video.
The intended audience is 18+ since that is the legal voting age in the United States.
The rule of thirds helps out the whole video because it's easy to look at, and the continuity is good, but it gets switched up still, the actors are always on different sides of the screen.
The rule of thirds is one specific thing that the producer did well with because it does like I said above and keeps it interesting.
I chose this because we saw the 5 Friends Unedited version and then I watched the second one 5 More Friends and thought it was interesting as well. It does a really good job of getting the message out of what the want you to do. Which would be Vote.

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