Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Media Saves the Beach Ideas & Comments

From Jasmine Roesner's blog, I realized that interviewing someone would help my project a lot. It started to get me thinking about my own video ideas. I'm happy about reading this blog, because I have started thinking more about my own project and it's outcome.

Jasmine Roesner---

From Emilie Colwell's blog, I noticed that her blog is very neat and easy to read, and has some great ideas for possible questions for my video, since I have to have something to yell into a microphone about!

Emilie Colwell---

From Deejay Rich's blog, I learned that other animals had been affected by our pollution and some questions he has about it. By looking at all 3 of their blogs that they posted, I have gotten a few more ideas toward my videos and what I could potentially be asking.

Deejay Rich---

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