Tuesday, October 6, 2009

MSB Questions

List at least three questions that interest you for Media Saves the Beach! For each question, provide a little context, so we know where your thoughts are headed, why you thought of it, what you might do to answer it, etc.

Is there more than one Gyre in the world?
-I think this would be very interesting to learn about and potentially make a video about, for the fact that we already know widely of one Gyre, the Eastern Pacific Gyre, but is there another one?

How are the currents affecting more populated areas of housing?
-Could branch off of it and go into something about Sunset Cliffs and how it's populated and people are trying to shut down the arch because of the currents being unsafe.

Are whales or other large sea animals effected from the pollution?
-WHALE WATCHING! Test some water or get results from Coast Keeper and see if the water further out is infected with bacteria as well.

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