Monday, June 14, 2010

Bring a Character to College!

If I had to choose any character from a book that we've read this semester to travel to college with me, it would be Bill Bryson and he would be a Professor at my school who teaches Environmental things! My main reasons for picking Bill Bryson for this trip to art school are the fact that he's funny and super sarcastic, which I am as well. He's knowledgeable and likes the outdoors and because he's very dedicated and hardworking. I think that one of the biggest reasons I picked Bill Bryson is because we are a lot alike. While reading A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson, I noticed that most of the things that he would say, I would say in that specific situation as well! In a way I also would like to meet him and have him be my professor because I am jealous about what he has accomplished. He hiked a huge portion of the Appalachian Trail and has great stories to tell about it as well.

Bill Bryson did two of some of my favorite things, wrote and hiked a trail. Well, on a much larger scale, but I do love to do both of those things. I feel like he would provide satirical insight about any sort of problem, and his humor reminds me of my late grandpa's, very dry and quick on his feet. I admire what Bill Bryson has done and what he pushed himself to do. So, all in all I would be excited beyond belief to have him as my college professor!

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