Sunday, January 24, 2010

Internship #11

Please post a summary of your week at internship. What were the highlights? What were the challenges? What was memorable and why?
Well, this week I was sick on Friday, and we didn't have any internship on Monday due to MLK day. I spent a lot of time at the computer researching podcasts to finish my project and I spent some time researching green ideas for a camp NCM is doing during the week. I FOUND POLAR TREATS! They are so cute and they symbolize how global warming is drowning polar bears and they're edible! Kid friendly of course. Some challenges I had were I really didn't feel well toward the end of the week, and it was kind of tough to be running around doing everything I needed to be when I felt under the weather. But Tuesday I'm having a meeting with Margaret and Lauren! And Friday is my Panama meeting and the POL and a guinea pig show. So I'm foreshadowing an excellent week!

Sidenote: I am really upset that I missed my site visit with Sarah and Sabrina though :( I was really excited to show them the show and everything I'm working on/doing. :( :( :(

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